Principper og politikker vedtaget i skolebestyrelsen. Dokumenter Politik for bæredygtighed_0.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Princip for arbejdet som kontakt- og trivselsforældre på Søborg Skole.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Princip for den sammenhængende dag og undervisningens organisering på Søborg Skole.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Princip for klassedannelse_0.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Trafikpolitik Søborg Skole_0.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Princip for elevernes, forældrenes og skolens ansvar i samarbejdet_2.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Sundhedspolitik for Søborg Skole.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Princip for lejrskoler_1.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Princip for meddelelsesbogen.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Trivselspolitik Søborg Skole_1.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Politik for digital dannelse.pdf Shape Created with Sketch.